New Hampshire and Counties
New Hampshire is the Granite State
Has a population 1.3M
Known for Artificial rain, it first used near Concord in 1947 to fight a forest fire
New Hampshire Medicare (Medigap) Supplement Plans
New Hampshire Medicare supplement plans follow the same standardized benefits outlined by our federal government. If you are age 65 or older, you can apply for any one of these 10 standardized Medicare supplement plans. You’ll know exactly what benefits each plan provides.
Medigap insurance plans pay the difference between what your Original Medicare benefits (A & B) provide, and what your Medicare Medigap Plan charges. In General, you pay for things such as deductibles, copays and co-insurance. Medicare Part B pays for only 80% of your outpatient expenses, so your risk is high without a supplement.
Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans also known as Medigap Plans Provide the Best and Most Comprehensive Coverages Including:
- No Out-Of-Pocket Costs.
- No Co-Payments for Doctors.
- No Referrals Necessary.
- No Deductibles for Hospitals.
- Choice of Any Doctor, Any Hospital, Any Medical Facility that accepts Medicare Anywhere in the United States.
- Coverage is Guaranteed Renewable which means your coverage cannot be denied as long as you continue to pay the premiums each year.
- Coverage goes with you when traveling, moving or selecting a doctor anywhere in the United States.
- Ask us about Medigap Plan F if you just want the best, most comprehensive healthcare plan.
New Hampshire Medicare Advantage
Medicare Advantage Plans are health plans approved by the federal government and run by private companies. These plans are also sometimes referred to as Medicare Part C. Medicare Advantage Plans are not supplemental insurance and must follow rules set by Medicare.
- Medicare contracts with private insurance companies to administer your Medicare health plan benefits.
- Total Maximum-Out-of-Pocket MOOP costs are typically at $6,700 per year.
- Monthly premiums may or may not be higher that Medicare supplemental plans.
- Some plans will include Medicare Part D prescription coverage.
- Many plans have co-pays for doctor visits, coinsurance per day for hospital stays, rehab and other services.
- Typically you are required to see a doctor within a network, unless specifically stated as freedom of choice.
- Premiums can increase each year and co-pays, coinsurance and deductibles can change according to the insurer.
Medicare Supplemental Advisors is an independent broker agency specializing in Medicare Supplement, Dental, Vision, Hearing and Medicare Part D Insurance Plans and is not connected with or endorsed by the United States Government or with the Federal Medicare Program.
Contact us for a free consultation to learn about the differences in the plans in your area.